Saturday, March 29, 2008

time to get serious

it's officially crack down time. work decided to take over my life and left me with no time to study for the last 10 days or so. now, i have just about a week left before the big exam day and i'm already starting to feel butterflies in my stomach. i really hope i get a good enough score that would free me from taking the GMAT again. oh, what a wonderful thought...

i'm going to take 3-4 practice tests over the course of next week and visit my testing facility ahead of time to make sure i know where it is. any suggestions on the types of snacks i should take to the testing center? 4 hours is a mighty long time to run without fuel.

let me just say though, the community of mba bloggers here has truly been a great source of motivation and inspiration to me. without this support, i wouldn't have ever thought of aiming so high and pursuing my dream schools as fervently as i am right now. thanks to all who have directly or indirectly encouraged me to reach for the stars. (<--- yea it's cheesy, but hey, it works!)

(hopefully i can write a big whoopin' "i rocked the gmat!!" entry in 8 days!)


theincarnated said...

best of luck for GMAT..... hope you score in high 7XX..... keep us informed......

Mo Zhou said...

Good luck!! :)

Mo Zhou said...

how was the GMAT?